People suffered from the Chernobyl catastrophe consequences are helping those, who suffered from the military conflict in the East of Ukraine in 2015
Hundreds of thousands people became refugees in the result of military actions in Donetsk and Lugansk regions. Besides, a new group of people with disabilities has appeared. It concerns people who have got wounds during the military actions. The experience of the chernobyls-liquidators and displaced persons from the exclusion zone can be successfully used for solving the problems connected with appearance of a great amount of displaced persons and suffered from the military actions. Arranging of productive communication between the chernobyls and the displaced persons from the zone of military conflict is necessary for the development of joint strategy of help for this group of people. Under the financial support of Evangelical Church North Rhine-Westphalia in 2015 the next events were carried out:
- Legal assistance and consultation for the chernobyls, the internally displaced persons from the zone of military actions, ATO participants with
- Humanitarian aid and medical emergency aid for the internally displaced persons (foodstuff, hygiene products, medicines, firewood for heating during the winter period, etc.);
- Medical aid for the internally displaced persons with disabilities (medicines, wheelchairs, etc.)
- Medical aid for the chernobyls from Donetsk and Lugansk regions (providing with medicines, dipsticks, etc.);
- Psychological trainings for exchange of the experience between the people suffered from the Chernobyl NPS breakdown consequences and suffered from the military conflict in the East of Ukraine.
Together with consultation centres in Bogoduhov, Lozova, Vilcha, non-governmental organizations for disable people Chernobyl History Workshop took part in the realization of this project.